Tuesday, October 12, 2010

When you buy a $250 Corolla, fun will ensue

Last year when I got my tax return, I decided to buy myself a toy! I purchased a 1989 Toyota Corolla GT-S Coupe. I talked the seller down to $250, even though there was not much wrong it.

Anyways, I beat the living shit out of it in about a week. I think the pictures speak for themselves. By the way, it still ran fine after all the abuse I put it though! Reminds me of the Top Gear SR-5 (IIRC).

 I ran her into a tree at about 15 km/h and the radiator was still intact. She didn't even shut off!

 Lots of glass....

My ride needs some new paint....what do?

Can't really decide, so I'll put Photoshop to the task for me.

Without any Photoshop mods
Too flashy for my taste lol
With HID'. The Jesus car drives on water, folks

With full limo tint, and some weird design on the hood 

This is probably my favorite